Two Jerusalem UFO Videos

Two videos of the same UFO activity were released on Youtube a few days ago. These videos capture the same anomaly in the sky. The first video that was released was from a very far distance, while the other seems to be much closer. Hundreds of yards maybe.

What you are about to watch is something that rarely happens in Ufology. Multiple witnesses from different distances observing and taping a UFO. The video quality is fair and the movements of the object in question is totally bizarre. I’ve watched these types of light anomalies before in videos, but these two recent videos have me scratching my head.

Next we have a newer video, which was shot at a much closer range therefore allowing us to appreciate the pulsating light and it’s unique movement:

The second video is by far the most interesting. As you can see and hear, the people witnessing the event are utterly surprised at what is transcending before them. What do you make out of these videos?

UPDATE: Reader Novolved informed us that this is the first and third videos uploaded to YouTube. The second video can be seen here:

