Brian Irwin from has posted his investigation on his recent trip to Papua New Guinea. While in West New Britain, he met with area residents who talked about their sightings of these prehistoric creatures. The sightings go as far back as 2 decades ago and are quite detailed.
I have written about Papua New Guinea before on GT. There was an incident a few weeks ago about a possible Pterosaur caught on video. Didn’t look too convincing. Nevertheless, the stories of these ancient creatures roaming in the remote sections of PNG are interesting.
The creature was described as having a long tail and a long neck and was 10–15 metres in length, with an appearance like a ‘very large wallaby’ and having a head like a turtle’s head.
It walked slowly on two legs and had smooth, shiny brown skin. The top of the head was estimated to be as high as a house and the underbelly of the creature was as high as an adult.
The creature was described as being fearful-looking, with the sighting being made from a distance of about 50 metres. The sighting was made in the late afternoon and was observed for a considerable length of time (not sure of the exact duration of time) and the creature was eating vegetation. Robert and Tony followed the creature from a distance and watched it go into the water after it finished eating.
When shown the handbook by Hazel Richardson, Dinosaurs And Prehistoric Life (cover shown in figure 3, Robert identified a picture of a Therizinosaurus as closely matching the animal he observed, with the exception of one feature, i.e. the creature’s head.
Nine people have seen the ‘reptile’ since the early 1990s, with sightings occurring every 4–5 years, usually around Christmas time. Perhaps the creature is primarily nocturnal, which might account for the small number of sightings. Two women from Ambungi Island observed the creature from a boat on the south (unpopulated) side of the island as it was standing on some rocks at the bottom of a cliff. (See figure 5)
The animal has also been sighted swimming between Ambungi Island and Alage Island with its head above the water. I drew the outline of a three-toed foot of a dinosaur in the sand and Robert said that this was similar to the
foot of the creature, with the feet being similar to that of a duck. About 90 people live on Ambungi Island, and 2-3 families live on Alage Island. The reptilian creature must be a good climber because Robert showed me the steep rock entrance from the sea to the land on the south side of Ambungi Island that the creature used when he sighted it. (See figure 2.)
I did not have the opportunity to travel to Alage Island to interview the local people there about the ‘reptilian’ creature, however I met a guy named Michael Atung from a logging company on the New Britain mainland near Abungi Island who was from Alage Island. Michael had heard that it had been sighted on Alage Island, but had not sighted the animal himself.
Read more on this fascinating report from Brian Irwin over at