Real Stories of Vampires from Transylvania

Two American filmmakers go to Transylvania to collect stories of vampires (strigoi in Romanian), werewolves and ghosts. They find that belief in these creatures still exist in the small villages of the Carpathian mountains. This pod showcases interviews with Romanian villagers who share their experiences about vampires.

Ah! Don’t you love mythical creatures and history? Well, mythical to some.

In Romania, the Vampire lore is revered by the elderly.
It’s been documented that throughout the ages that Romanians have always been weary of the Vampire. Stake through the heart and decapitation was once widely accepted throughout Europe on freshly deceased corpses, to prevent them from wondering.

This Podcast is excellent! The filmmakers managed to find people who are still deeply rooted in the belief of Vampires and bring out the personal accounts and legends that they have experienced throughout the years.

