More on the “Child apparition” video

JasperHaunts supposed child apparition at the haunted Bed & Breakfast

Last week I wrote about the ‘Child Apparition at Prosperity School’ video. Seriously casting some doubts to the video since what we could only see were faint shadows in the background. Being that GhostTheory always writes/reports with a skeptic mindset to all claims of the paranormal that are out there on the web, this case is no exception.

A few days after the post was made, I was contacted by the owner of the video. Nick Corey. He runs JasperHaunts. Nick told me the full background of the video and states that what we saw on the video is real. There are no gimmicks nor trickery by him or his team. Like many ‘Ghost Hunters’ out there, Jasper Haunts is in it to help people. Never charging nor accepting any valuables for their work.

I always am clearly skeptical when it comes to establishments that claim to be haunted. Mainly it is due to the rise of interest of the paranormal. It’s highly logical to conclude that a B&B would want to capitalize on something paranormal (Just like the Queen Mary ship did). I’m not saying that this is the situation with the “Child apparition” video. I leave you, the reader, to form your own conclusions.

Nick presented me with a few stills from the video in which a shadow is visible. Nick believes this to be a ghost child. He also presented me with some EVPs from the Prosperity School B&B which he has collected over time. Below is what Nick had to say about the video and the B&B:

I have been communicating with spirits for about 4yrs now. I first came to Prosperity on an investigation 9-20-07 with my team. I usually go by my instincts when it comes to where I might setup my equipment. I first setup down stairs in the B&B in their dinning room area with the cam in the parlor pointing towards their large dinning table.

When I investigate I will leave a cam running and go to another level or part of the house so that I do not disturb anything going on in that area. I went upstairs and began to investigate with my two members and we stayed up their for few hours while things were running downstairs.

While recording EVPs I came across a voice my recorder saying “Are you Debbie Raulss?” in the Suite of the B&B. The team members were astonished when hearing this.

So after we called it a night I went through and looked over the video footage and found that we caught something. It was a large light with a flat top coming up in front of the cam and with controlled movement from this energy it made its way back across the room. It was amazing seeing this!

After this I started going out there and spending more time with the spirit that live there. I would get EVPs anytime i would visit, so we began to try hold seances to bring in the dead stronger so to speak.

As we continued to hold these forms of spirit communications the spirits would respond and give us signs of their presence.

I went upstairs on Oct 31st 2007 to speak to the spirits by my self while everyone was in the kitchen downstairs. I am sensitive and do see auras and spirit sometimes. I felt a presence so I stared speaking out to them and upon playback I heard ” My baby, Me like eatin” from two spirit children of this old school house.

Do I believe all the spirits here are from the school time days? NO I do not. I believe their are spirit everywhere we go they are just people without bodies. We pass and re pass them and don’t always pay much attention to them unless we are drawn to their energies.

I set up in Mrs Pinks room as shown ion the video of the apparition which is upstairs. Having a seance down stairs drawing them in. I asked the spirit people to please show them selves to us on video so that we may get this out their for them, as I do the many messages that come through.

After analyzing the videos we saw this strange transparent being and a shadow with him. We did take the video and have the photo of the apparition face clipped out for us to see this image. We had them also do a slow motion video because of the speed his energy was traveling.

I get responses from the spirit world from my home, I record there most all the time. I am not a ghost hunter having to go out and disprove anything. I have a true connection to the other side and with this I help these spirit people. I do not take money for my investigations or recordings.

Nick Corey

These are JasperHaunts’EVPs that they captured while investigating the B&B:

“Hi Nick, it’s Lawson”

“Please help me”

“Children reply”

What do you think about the evidence?

