UFO Seen Almost On A Daily Basis In Colombia

UFO Seen Almost On A Daily Basis In Colombia

Pasacaballos is a geographically small location is Bolivar, Colombia. Relatively quiet and easy going. Up until the last month or so. Residents have been calling authorities almost on a nightly basis reporting a strange hovering light that moves at incredible speeds; unlike any modern aircraft seen before.

What’s interesting is that this light tends to make its appearance at almost the exact same hour each night. Seven o’clock in the evening. With a flash, it darts across the sky leaving behind a scramble of television sets and exasperated residents. What ever this light is, apparently voluntarily or involuntarily affects electrical devices in the hundreds of homes across Pasacaballos.

What’s even more interesting is that this happens five or six times a week. Enough to have the residents calling authorities and the Radio Cadena Nacional, Colombian National radio network. The bulletin went out and we wait, with a skeptical mindset. You see, these stories tend to unfold into a rational explanation.

Full source: RCNRadio

A strange situation “supernatural” is registered in the district of Pasacaballos, located just three minutes from Cartagena.

As in the television series of the 90, X Files, a strange situation “supernatural” is registered in the district of Pasacaballos, located just three minutes from Cartagena.

At least five or six times a week, almost always, seven in the evening, a light appears in the sky that not only moves at an alarming rate, but also damaged the television signal.

This phenomenon has been observed since more than a month, is doubting even the most skeptical on the subject of aliens.

“That light to be a star moves very quickly and very easily and when you leave the TV screen when there are dips made ​​as light as when the light rises and falls. Almost always leaves at 7 pm. In late August, we began to see the mysterious light. The light sits in the sky and soon lost, after 15 minutes and reappears. When you pass a plane goes down and the plane just happens, go back, “said Estefania Arévalo Villalobos, one of the people who have seen the alleged” UFO. ”

Text copied from www.rcnradio.com – Know the original http://www.rcnradio.com/noticias/ovni-tiene-atemorizados-los-habitantes-d-114454 # ixzz1aj5WzCqe

