Looks like it might be the end for the History Channel’s MonsterQuest series. I’ve been reading on various sources that the show might not be renewed for season 5. Although I’m generally saddened by this, I am not surprised.
To me it seems like the show lost its appeal when they started to do shows on creatures that were not interesting. like “The Real Cujo”, “Gigantic Killer Fish”, “Gigantic Killer Fish II”, “Killer Crocs”,”Monster Sharks” and “Killer Chimps in America”. It seems like they were stretching it. Don’t get me wrong, these all still fall under the Cryptozoological umbrella. Like tracking Pythons and their migrations through Florida; since the snakes are not native to the state, it is somewhat of a misplaced animal adapting to its habitat. It just seemed boring and redundant to me.
Loren Coleman over at Cryptomundo had commented on this. He urged the fans to write to History’s executives and voicing your opinion. There’s still time!!
Linda Godfrey post on her blog, that the season finale will be “MonsterQuest: America’s Wolfman”
Linda’s blog“>blog:
March 24, 2010, “MonsterQuest: America’s Wolfman” 9pm/8pm CENTRAL on History.
On March 24, 2010, the MonsterQuest Season Finale examines one of the most controversial pieces of video evidence ever captured, as the team scours the Midwest for a seven-foot wolf-like monster that witnesses believe is a werewolf.
On Wednesday at 8 p.m. Central on History, the episode “MonsterQuest: America’s Wolfman” closes out the fourth season of the popular investigative cryptozoology series. An expedition team will try to uncover the truth about what is striking fear into witnesses, while the science team will expose the truth behind “The Gable Film,” an internet phenomenon that is possible evidence of a werewolf-like creature. The film, shot on grainy 1970s Super 8, captures a hairy creature running on all fours toward the camera in an apparent attack, prompting widespread debate over its identity and authenticity.
This episode of History’s highly acclaimed series features appearances by Wisconsin werewolf researcher Linda Godfrey and Michigan DJ Steve Cook, who first posted the Gable Film. There are frightening stories from witnesses including a former contractor for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and a Deputy Sheriff, who all claim to have encountered this mystery creature that has been part of local legend for centuries.
MonsterQuest is produced by Whitewolf Entertainment; the episode “MonsterQuest: America’s Wolfman” is produced by Chicago’s Frank Haney Films.
For its (possible last) season finale, the MonsterQuest team will be reviewing the Gable Film and it’s web is mysteries and lies. The fist time the MQ team did an episode on the “American Werewolf” I was really impressed by the work, interviews and re-enactment they did. I think Linda Godfrey brought her ‘A game’ on that one. Can’t wait for March 24’s episode . Setting up my TiVo tonight!