The following submitted story was sent to us from “Michka”. Being an avid reader of GhostTheory, Michka wanted to share their Shadow Person experience with the rest of us.
I’m always intrigued by any Shadow Person story that I read or hear. As many of you guys may know, what attracted me to the paranormal and researching the vast subjects, was an encounter that I had with one of these so called “Shadow Person”. I’m not the only GhostTheory editor with an eerie encounter with these beings. Gary Popella also had a similar encounter with a Shadow Person, which ultimately led him to GhostTheory.com and become a writer.
Read Michka’s encounter:
17 commentsAfter reading the shadow person story, I was reminded of time that I started to share in the comments, but only teased the readers. So here is everything I can remember of my encounters with the shadows.
Back in 1998, I moved to Middletown, NY to change my family’s business from nightclub to dinner theater. Very quickly, I noticed that there were strange happenings in the building. Nothing that’s truly worth noting except for the nagging feeling I felt when were rennovating that all receipts had to be accounted for. I even went so far as to tell the owners we should be careful what we spend money on cause I had this overwhelming feeling we would be audited. About a year later, I was doing research on the building because there were many curiosities about it and found out that the IRS had an office there.
In the interim, I always felt like I was being watched and would catch out of the corner of my eye a quick glimpse of a shadow. I’d look in the direction it came from and it nothing would be there. I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me give a brief description of the layout of the building.
Through the main doors, you are met by a dividing wall. To the right is the main bar entrance (and path we always took) and to the left were steps that led to the seating area. The bar itself was at least 25 feet long. Just past the divider and to the right is the narrow entrance to the sound booth (one place I hated being in). From the entrance way, you can look all the way through and see the seating and dining area, the stage and the stairs to the kitchen.
Walking all the way down, there’s an opening that leads to the bathrooms and the side door. Beyond that are steps that lead to the kitchen. Once into the kitchen to the left is the long hallway to our main office. As you go down the hallway, you see on the right the breakroom. And as you approach the office, to the left is the back entrance to the stage and dressing room.
Of course there’s a basement, but we’ll get to that later.
Just about every time I would get ready to lock up for the night, I would catch that shadow I mentioned earlier out of the corner of my eye. I used to imagine that it was an old man with a set of keys walking the hallway. Mind you, I never heard the keys, but it was like I knew they were there.
One thing I should mention here is that the building suffered from fire prior to my family owning the building. Never came across the records for when it went from a 3 story building to a single. As time went on while I was working there, I continued to notice things that had been left behind from the original structure.
Behind the wall in the back hallway was the original back wall of the building complete with two doors that now go nowhere. In the basement are markings on the beams left from when it was an agricultural implements store. Also in the basement at the front of the building remain part of the original steps to enter the store. And then there’s the large brick “entity” that seemed to have no purpose.
Back to the shadow man. I don’t remember the exact date or the show we working on, but there was one night when I was closing down. All the lights had been shut off, and I had forgotten something in the office. Now, all the light switches were “conveniently” located behind the bar. And the only light was coming from under the bar illuminating the sinks and from the red exit signs. Not liking the dark in there, I was walking quickly towards the back to get to the nearest switch.
At that point, I thought I heard my name from whoever was with me waiting to leave and I turned around. This is when I came face to face with our resident shadow man. I could see through him, and it wasn’t a complete apparition, but I knew he was there and felt the warmth of his breath in my face. He looked at me, checked me out, recognized me and turned and walked the other way.
This all took about 5 to 10 secs to occur. Maybe less, but I went about making my way to the office. I was a little shaken, but since it went the other way, I just kept on towards the office. There were other times that this happened and actually had a customer question me about it. I knew she was coming to the show and it turned out she was a psychic medium. Unfortunately, I can’t remember her name, but I she had the ability to draw what she saw. So she took a napkin, now destroyed, and drew what it was that was moving through the building.
Lo and behold, she drew an old man. She described what I had felt all along. Unable to get a name, she said he was a ground’s keeper that was just wandering the building and checking the doors. Now, why I never heard any door handles jiggle or the sound of keys, I don’t know. Especially since he was able to give off the heat found in someone’s breath. Never found any record of him either. I was amazed that I was even able to find the pages of information that I found. And that says a lot since until 1964, it wasn’t that popular of a gathering place.
Some who have lived or visited Middletown may recognize the name Dino’s. That was the first bar that opened up in the building. It started off as a long hole in the wall, and it wasn’t until the lighting company that owned the space next to moved that the owners took over the rest of the area. The way this place is set up, you would think that it was always some sore of entertainment venue.
I know it isn’t often that you find spirits who are basically residuals with intelligence, but this one was just that. But the other happenings never really seemed to bother him. That’s a whole other story.