MonsterQuest : Terror From the Sky
Airs on Wednesday July 29 09:00 PM / Airs on Thursday July 30 1:00 AM
Across North America there is something strange and frightening circling overhead. Witnesses tell of human-like creatures that float or hover in the skies and often descend to attack. Legends and folklore tell of strange flying creatures, but in the 1940s and 1950s, strange humanoid forms were spotted above small towns, bringing waves of panic. Sceptics claim that misidentification explains these creatures, however the mounting evidence says otherwise. MonsterQuest will analyze the video proof of this monster while scientists work to discover the identity of an eerie corpse that may unlock the mystery of these flying humanoid monsters.
Remember that interview that started GhostTheory? you do right? No??
Check out the post about the flying Mexican humanoid that put us on the map awhile back.
Looks like MonsterQuest will be airing their investigation into the case tonight.
There hasn’t been any recent updates on the case. No new footage or reports that I’m aware of so this episode is especially fascinating to me.
I don’t really believe in ‘flying entities” but I am very interesting to hear theories about what this object is that we see floating on the video and what to make of the accounts of the police officers.
Interesting nonetheless.