Ghost face in the window

valle-crucis-hughes_200Ghostly face in the window of the Valle Crucis Abbey

If we are to take into account that the old ruins of what was once Cistercian abbey was empty of visitors at the time this image was taken, then it is a remarkable photograph. Very clear.

abbey-tgaynor5Crucis Abbey by Tony Gaynor

Carol and friends were visiting the historic ruins of Llangollen’s Vallé Crucis Abbey. But it wasn’t until she studied the photos back home in Liverpool that she realised what she’d captured on camera.

We captured a ‘man’ in the window although there was nobody else there when we visited. It’s a very clear picture and has not been tampered with in any way.

We took two shots of the same – part one in colour and one in black and white. The black and white photo clearly shows a man in the window.

Full source: BBC

Also, do you guys remember that “ghost in the bridge” photo from around that same area:

